Monday, November 1, 2010


Yet another great cousin Halloween party and some great costumes too. Here are some of them.

 This is what we wore to Abe's work party. If you can't tell Nolan is a 80's cell phone. He did not last very long in it.


  1. Aw! Fun. CUTE duckies. Love the 80's look this year. The pic of Bryce and Nadia is so serious looking, lol. Like the fate of the world is in the hands of a mexican wrestler and his nun. 80's movie premise, perhaps?

  2. i love checking you out...and seeing all the new posts, for some reason it won't come up on the new posts list on the right side of my own blog. the matching ducks, the cute sister in law andrea, love her costume, and oh...the dune pics...andrea you are stunningly beautiful!!! Your baby is yummy! i think i keep repeating this same comment every time :) And my sophia loves your moms preschool by the way, love her!
