Friday, February 10, 2012

Christmas and Stuff

Ok, so maybe it's the middle of February and I'm just now getting some of our Christmas pics posted...better late then never, right?

There isn't much new going on here in NM, hopefully this will sum it up...

Turned 2 on January 26 (I posted a lot of photos on my other blog, will post a few here soon!)
He is on to his 4th cold since Christmas, so it seems like he has been sick for a while!
His vocabulary is still rather small, I believe I counted 10 words/sounds that he says fairly consistently. We decided to have him evaluated by a speech therapist in 2 or 3 weeks, mainly to give us some "peace of mind" and hopefully they will have some good tips for us :)
Although he's not talking much he is still the busiest 2 yr old I know, he LOVES nursery, and started learning how to pray. In fact, we have been blessing our food about 10 times at each meal. Nolan will suddenly stop eating, fold his arms, look straight at us to make sure we are doing the same, then he mumbles a few words then ends with "A!!!" (I'm assuming short for "Amen"), and he throws his arms in the air! 
He started sleeping in his own toddler bed and LOVES it! (actually I should say "loved" because he's been back in our bed the last few nights since he got sick again.) We read him the classic Disney stories every night...and Abe does a great job singing all the right songs along with them.
He has no idea why my stomach is growing and that baby #2 is on it's way, so things are about to get pretty interesting for him! 

Just about finished his project on the new Farmington Casino!
He has been back to commuting to Durango, CO this past week and is STILL waiting to hear what the company will have him do next.
Still working as the young men's 2nd counselor and is having a pretty fun time with that.
Starting skateboarding again!
...ok not really, but Nolan thinks its pretty rad so he has been trying to show off some of his old tricks for him in the back yard!

Huge (don't be deceived by the photos below, that was 7 weeks ago now) 
35 weeks Pregnant (approximately)
Ready to start loosing some baby weight...if only the baby would just come out early :)
still 2nd counselor in the RS and looking forward to planning the RS birthday party, giving a lesson, and delivering a baby all within about 2 weeks of each other! 
Trying to keep up on my Strawberry-Chic blog, but wondering whats going to happen to it after baby #2 arrives. 

Hope you enjoy these photos, We had a great trip in WA and are already missing our family like crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Pictures. I think you look amazing even if the pics were from 7 weeks ago. It sounds like you guys are keeping busy and waiting to see what the next big adjustments bring!
